English communication is a vast subject. So, you have to get the right vocabulary for adverbs. Before going to the technical aspects of what is an adverb? Let us know the basics with the help of real life examples. You hear your mom shouting loudly to your younger brother for the mistake he made. What is your mother doing? Shouting, which is the verb. How did she shout? Loudly which is your adverb. Read on to learn more about the use of adverbs in sentence formation in the English language.

Why Do You Need to Learn Vocabulary for Adverbs?

While we pronounce adverbs, it sounds like, add+verbs. The name says it all, but to describe a situation well there is going to be a use of adverbs. Adverbs are grammar concepts. What you need to learn is which adverb fits right to describe your verb in the most appropriate way. While you have a conversation it is important that you speak fluently with proper vocabulary. The first thing you need to know is how to identify an adverb.

How to Identify an Adverb in a Sentence?

The first thing you need to learn about adverbs is to identify them in a sentence. We try to understand it with some basic rules:

Basic Rules to Identify Adverbs

Rule 1

Many adverbs end in -ly but many do not.

Example 1: We performed badly. ( You need to ask the question How? How was the performance?)

Adverb- Badly ( It describes how the performance was.)

Example 2: The lion roared ferociously. (How did the lion roar?)

Adverb- Ferociously (It tells us how the lion roar)

Rule 2

It isn’t compulsory that an adverb has to end in -ly.

Example 1: She flew the plane yesterday. (You need to ask the question When? When did she fly the plane?)

Adverb- yesterday (It mentions when the job was done.)

Example 2: Anil rode his horse last Tuesday. (You need to ask the question When? When did he ride the horse?)

Adverb- Last Tuesday (It states when the job was done.) (Note: You can make a mistake by thinking that only Tuesday is the adverb but it is ‘Last Tuesday’.)

Rule 3

Adverbs are identified with the verbs or the types.

Example 1: I looked for it everywhere. (You need to ask the question Where? Where did I look for it?)

Adverb- everywhere (It states where they have searched.)

Example 2: There are many flowers outside. (You need to ask the question Where? Where are many flowers?)

Adverb- outside (It states where is the object.)

How to Use Adverbs in a Sentence?

Now after understanding the basic rules of how to identify the adverbs we need to know how to use the adverbs. We try to understand this with the help of a scenario:

Scenario: An emergency situation in a zoo.

I can see the fire spreading on the streets. Sir, We should take due action or else there could be a worse situation. It isn’t easy for Raju to shift all the animals from the zoo. Cheetahs can run very quickly. Bhalu cannot run fast. Birds will fly higher but the baby species cannot fly high. It is a critical situation where we need to think twice about Raju.

Adverbs used- worse, quickly, fast, higher, high, critical.

Also Read: How to Use Verbs Like Is, Are, Was, Were? Check Out the Best Information for Learning Excellently!

List of Adverbs from A to Z

A to F

Abbreviately After
About Afterwards
Abroad Almost
Absently Already
Absolutely Anxiously
Abundantly Anyhow
Accidentally Anywhere
Actually Arrogantly
Adoringly Awkwardly


Backstage Boldly
Backward Boorishly
Backwards Boringly
Badly Bravely
Beautifully Breezily
Before Briefly
Bitterly Brightly
Bleakly Briskly
Blindly Busily
Boastfully Buxomly


Cagily Conservatively
Ceaselessly Coordinately
Circumstantially Coughingly
Civilly Cowardly
Cleanly Cozily
Clearer Cravenly
Coherently Crazily
Collectively Croakily
Comfortably Cryptically
Communicatively Cutely
Confidently Cuttingly


Damply Difficulty
Dangerously Diffidently
Daringly Diligently
Darkly Diplomatically
Decently Dishonestly
Deeply Disproportionately
Defeatedly Distraughtly
Delicately Domestically
Densely Dopily
Derisively Doubtfully
Derogatively Dramatically
Devotionally During


Eagerly Erectly
Earnestly Erratically
Easily Erroneously
Elsewhere Exactly
Enjoyably Exhaustively
Enormously Explanatively
Enthusiastically Explicitly
Entrancingly Explosively
Enviably Extravagantly
Equally Exultantly


Factually Flimsily
Faintly Fluently
Fairly Followingly
Faithfully Foolishly
Famously Forcibly
Fast Formidably
Finally Fragilely
Finely Freely
Flawlessly Frequently
Fleetingly Fully

Also Read: Practice Modal Verbs in Grammar: Let’s Grab the Knowledge of the Functions of the Verbs!

G to Q

Gaspingly Gracefully
Generally Gradually
Generously Grandly
Gently Graphically
Girlishly Gravely
Gladly Greasily
Glamorously Greatly
Gloriously Greedily
Goofily Grimly
Gorgeously Gruffly


Habitually Horizontally
Heartedly Hotly
Heatedly However
Heavenly Huffily
Heavily Hugely
Heftily Hulkingly
Hintingly Humorously
Historically Hungrily
Hollowly Huntedly
Hopefully Hurriedly


Identically Indolently
Idly Inevitably
Imposingly Initially
Impressively Instantly
Impudently Insufficiently
Inaccurately Intolerantly
Inaudibly Intricately
Incessantly Irately
Inclusively Irregularly
Incompletely Irrelevantly


Jaggedly Joyfully
Jointly Judiciously
Jokingly Just


Keenly Knowingly
Kickingly Knowledgably
Kindly Kookily


Laboriously Limpidly
Lastly Lovingly
Lazily Luckily
Less Luridly


Matronly Mockingly
Maturely Moderately
Meanly Moistly
Meticulously Mostly
Miserably Mutely


Naively Nevertheless
Nakedly Normally
Naturally Nosily
Neatly Now
Neglectfully Numbly


Obscurely Ordinarily
Obviously Outragedly
Officially Outwards
Once Overhead
Only Overtly


Painfully Promptly
Painlessly Properly
Palely Protectively
Poetically Proudly
Poorly Providently
Positively Provisionally
Potently Punctually
Powerfully Punishingly
Prettily Punitively
Principally Perceptibly


Quaintly Quickly
Queerly Quietly
Questionably Quite
Quicker Quizzically

R to Z

Radiantly Responsively
Rapidly Restfully
Ravishingly Righteously
Readily Rightfully
Realizingly Rightward
Really Rigidly
Refreshingly Rigorously
Regally Ripely
Regularly Risibly
Reliably Romantically
Reluctantly Roughly
Repeatedly Roundly
Reprovingly Routinely
Repulsively Rudely
Resolutely Ruthlessly


Sacredly Shakily
Sacrificially Shiningly
Sadistically Shortly
Sadly Silkily
Safely Similarly
Sanely Skillfully
Sassily Slackly
Saucily Slavishly
Savagely Snakingly
Selfishly Staidly
Selflessly Steadily
Self-pitying Stuffily
Serenely Symbolically
Seriously Symmetrically
Severely Sympathetically


Tacitly Tiredly
Tactfully Tirelessly
Tartly Tolerable
Tenderly Tonelessly
Thankfully Too
Thickly Totally
Thornily Touchily
Thriftly Tunelessly
Thrillingly Twice
Throatily Typically


Ultimately Unsteadily
Ultimately Untruly
Uncertainly Untruthfully
Uncritically Upbeat
Unethically Upright
Unpleasantly Uprightly
Unpoetically Upward
Unreservedly Uselessly
Unsettlingly Usually
Unsparingly Utterly


Vacantly Viscidly
Vacuously Visibly
Vaguely Visually
Vainly Vitally
Variously Vividly
Vastly Vocally
Venally Vocationally
Verbally Volubly
Verily Voluntarily
Very Vulgarly


Warmly Wishfully
Weakly Wistfully
Wearily Withal
Weekly Wittily
Wetly Worriedly
Wildly Worthily
Willfully Worthlessly
Willingly Wrathfully
Windily Wretchedly
Wisely Wrongly




Yearly Yet
Yesterday Yieldingly


Zealously Zestfully
Zestily Zigzag

Practice Questions on Adverbs

Here you will have to identify the adverb. Pick the right answer from the below MCQs:


Q1. Never underestimate the power of a woman.

  1. Never
  2. underestimate
  3. power
  4. woman

Q2. The New York State motto “Excelsior” is a Latin word meaning “ever upward.”

  1. New York State
  2. motto and Latin
  3. word and meaning
  4. ever and upward

Q3. You are in reverse gear. Do not step on the gas. Shift to drive forward.

  1. reverse

  2. step on

  3. forward

  4. to drive


Q4. She was so happy because she had finished her test early.

  1. so and early
  2. so and happy
  3. had and finished
  4. because and early

Q5. “I never met a man I didn’t like.” (Will Rogers)

  1. met
  2. man
  3. never
  4. like

Q6. “Man was made at the end of the week’s work, when God was tired.” (Mark Twain)

  1. when

  2. at the end

  3. of the week

  4. tired


Q7. I realize today is rainy, but can you do it tomorrow when it will be sunny?

  1. today and tomorrow
  2. tomorrow and when
  3. tomorrow and sunny
  4. rainy and sunny

Q8. The doctor was pleasantly surprised at his patients’ responses to the experimental treatment.

  1. patients’
  2. surprised
  3. experimental
  4. pleasantly

Q9. “Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits.” (Satchel Paige)

  1. sometimes and just
  2. sits and thinks
  3. just and I
  4. and and sits

Q10. “O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father, and refuse thy name….”

  1. art

  2. thou

  3. wherefore

  4. thy


To find the adverb in the given questions, first you will have to look for the verb and then you have to check if there is a word that denotes how the action (verb) is being done.

Q1. A

Q2. D

Q3. C

Q4. A

Q5. C

Q6. A

Q7. B

Q8. D

Q9. A

Q10. C


Adverbs are a necessary part of any excellent writer’s arsenal. They aid in the development of emotional depths, clarity, and motivations. They can be thought of as emojis that aid in the recipient’s understanding of the message by displaying all of the displayed emotions. Furthermore, adverbs can improve any sentence by adding rhythm and texture.

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Also Read: Basics of Past Tense in English: Practise Questions with Answers