Adverbs are extremely essential in English. Adverbs are a part of speech in the English language which is important in speaking, writing, reading, and listening. The parts of speech in English can be divided into nine parts.

These nine speeches include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunction, interjection, article, or determiner. If you want to grab all the other mandatory information and knowledge regarding the adverbs, you need to read the complete article. This article will tell you about the kinds of adverbs along with their examples so that you can understand the usage perfectly.

You can use the adverbs while speaking or writing English if you are completely aware of their functions. The article also provides you with information about the importance of adverbs along with the definition and meaning of each of its types. You can follow this article every time you think of using them in sentences.

This concept in English is largely essential for learners. Everyone uses adverbs and lack of knowledge can push you towards misleading people. So, make your worth by knowing each section of the adverbs through this article.

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Adverb Definition

Are you here in search of the adverb meaning and examples? Well, if this is so, you are at the right place. We are going to let you know about each type of adverb with the help of examples in the article ahead. An adverb in grammar is defined as a word that modifies a verb. It is primarily an adjective, a clause, or another adverb.

The adverbs are known to provide maximum information in a sentence by modifying another word. For example, the adverb quickly in the sentence “Jeremiah ran quickly tells us that Jeremiah ran with high speed”. As another example, the adverb really in the sentence “The movie was boring tells us that the movie wasn’t just boring but that it was a colossal snooze-fest”.

You must learn about the adverbs precisely and make yourself confident and comfortable to use them before anyone. This article is here with the adverb meaning, adverb examples, and much more. You need to stay connected and read the complete article. Go through the examples perfectly to understand the concept and its functions in different sentences.

Kinds of Adverbs

If you have understood the adverb definition, you must be looking for the kinds of adverbs. If you want to grab the details about versatile functions of adverbs in different sentences, you need to read it here as here are all the adverbs with their examples.

Let’s begin reading with concentration. There are six common types of adverbs in English grammar. Let’s understand each of them one by one with the help of examples.

#1. Conjunctive adverbs

#2. Adverbs of frequency

#3. Adverbs of time

#4. Adverbs of manner

#5. Adverbs of degree

#6. Adverbs of place

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Conjunctive Adverbs

Conjunctive adverbs play a vital role in English grammar. These adverbs are used in the sentences as conjunctions. In simple words, a conjunctive adverb is something that is used in grammar to connect two clauses or two sentences. For example:

#. I went to the store to buy new shoes. However, the store was already closed when I got there.

Now, let’s have a look at the second example of an adverb. In this adverb example, the conjunctive adverb has denoted that this sentence is related to the one immediately before it. Also, it has worked as a conjunction to link the two sentences.

Let’s check out the example. Well, you must also note that you can use the conjunctive adverb with a semicolon instead of using a period.

#. Tina wasn’t too confident about her answers; nevertheless, she passed the exam easily.

Conjunctive Adverb Examples

#. Joey was playing in the sandbox. Meanwhile, his brother Noah was sleeping in a hammock.

#. Candy isn’t a healthy breakfast. Instead, you could eat fruit.

#. Delilah is the most popular member of the band; therefore, her name is always first on the posters.

Adverbs of Frequency

The frequency of an event is denoted by many adverbs in a sentence. By telling about the frequency, these adverbs show for how long something happens. So, these adverbs are crucial for the sentences. You can understand them with examples.

Adverb Examples:

constantly, frequently, occasionally, sometimes, usually, never, always, rarely, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly

Let’s have a look at the examples of adverbs of frequency used in sentences.

#. I usually put butter and syrup on my pancakes.

#. She never drives on icy roads.

#. Sometimes, Mark gets coffee for his coworkers.

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Adverbs of Time

The time of the events is determined with the help of the adverbs of time. The adverbs of time speaking about the words show a specific time of any particular happening. They also show the general periods in the sentences. These adverbs are extremely useful because they give the knowledge of the period.

Adverb examples:

today, yesterday, tomorrow, tonight, soon, later, now, eventually, forever, still, yet, early, late, recently, since.

Let’s check out some examples of adverbs of time used in different sentences.

#. We are going to see a movie tomorrow.

#. My daughter hasn’t learned how to tie her shoes yet.

#. Recently, Trevor got a job as a construction worker.

Adverbs of Manner

If you want to show how something has happened, you need to use these adverbs. The adverbs of manners show how a certain thing has happened. Many adverbs fall in this kind of adverb. You should go through the examples to use them in the future.

Adverb examples:

angrily, cautiously, hungrily, nicely, slowly, deftly, precisely, unknowingly, loudly

Examples of adverbs of manners used in sentences are given below. Let’s check them out.

#. The clown skillfully made animals out of balloons.

#. She bravely rescued a kitten from a tree.

#. Natalie wisely took an extra umbrella with her.

Adverbs of Degree

The intensity of action is important to be denoted in a sentence. This adverb is greatly used to explain the intensity of an action or quality in the sentences. These adverbs are quite frequently and commonly used as intensifiers to describe adjectives and other adverbs. The examples are given below.

Adverb examples:

very, really, extremely, incredibly, too, quite, barely, deeply, fairly, greatly, hardly, highly, intensely, somewhat, totally, little, less, least, much, more, most

Examples of adverbs of degree used in sentences will give you the most important knowledge about their functions. So, have a look at the given sentences.

#. It is really hot in the basement.

#. That book is much too expensive.

#. He barely knew how to cook at all.

Also Read: How to identify adverbs in a sentence in English communication?

Adverbs of Place

Like all the other adverbs, this adverb also has its significance in the sentences. These adverbs give the ideas of the place of the happening. It tells about where something has happened. If you want to understand them better, have a look at the examples given below.

Adverb examples:

here, there, everywhere, nowhere, somewhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, wherever, on, off, over, under, away, left, right, north, south, east, west

The examples of adverbs of place used in sentences are here for you to acknowledge and understand. So, go through them for better understanding.

#. I can’t find my keys anywhere.

#. She loves to spend sunny afternoons outside by the pool.

#. The lost travellers went north until they found a small town.

Adverbs in English

The adverbs are tremendously important to show the actions and functions in a sentence. If you want to speak or write English fluently, you need to have the best understanding and knowledge about this concept. It is most frequently used in sentences in English. You can make your point in the professional’s minds by practicing English.

This can also bring you future opportunities. So, have a look at the best articles related to the important topics. The more you practice, the more proficient you get. So, understand the things and practice them nicely.

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Hopefully, this article has helped you in gaining the potential knowledge regarding the adverbs as well as their types with examples. If you want to learn more about this concept or anything related to the English language, you should visit the Fluent life website.

All the articles related to the English grammar concepts are available in detail on the website. Also, you have the privilege to ask your queries and get instant resolutions from the best experts. You can grow your knowledge positively through this amazing website. If you are a beginner, you should leave all your stress to the professionals as they will guide you according to your capabilities and skills.

You can learn each aspect according to your pace and time. There’s nothing better than this one because experts and articles of best traits are available on the site. Plus, you can download the Fluent Life app on your mobile phone . The application has multiple videos of lectures related to the concepts of grammar and you can also take customized lectures by experts. So, you must select the right platform for your learning and growth.