Believe it or not, Email has become one of the most important forms of communication in professional life. No matter who is just ‘a call away’ people will still mail and keep track of their work on email. 

Whether you’re writing to a colleague or to the CEO, the email can either make or mar your pitch. Moreover, it is a difficult task to draw attention and motivate busy people to have a look and respond to your message. You can seek better career opportunities by sending emails. 

Email is the best way to ask, request, or convey anything. You can also make connections with the best business and relevant organizations and also with professionals through emails. Do you want to know some tips and tricks to write a meaningful, professional, and successful email? If yes, you need to look below and understand the perfect way of formulating an email with the sequence and to-the-point bullets. 

There are several factors that make an Email effective- the anatomy, the language, subject, highlights, opening message, closing message, etc. In this article, we will discuss how to frame your subject, body, and closing remarks and what are the common mistakes to avoid. 

So, without wasting a single second, we should move ahead towards the best email writing strategies. It can benefit you in different ways. So, let’s begin! 

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Subject Line

The subject line is the most important part of the email as it’s the first thing that the reader will notice and decide whether to open it or not. Spend double the time framing up the perfect subject line than you would spend on drafting the mail body. Avoid using cliches like ‘Hi’ and ‘You wouldn’t want to miss this in the subject line as it will immediately land the email in the spam folder. 

Main body

The main body talks about the purpose of the mail. Don’t make the mistake of making it long with an intention to cover up all points and leave no room for doubts. If the reader has hundreds of emails every day in his inbox, he will just skim through the mail, or worse, just close it again. Remember- keep your email short and concise. 

Talk about the most important details because if the reader wants to know more he can get back to you anytime. Another important thing while writing the mail is to remember that you shouldn’t sound too friendly or too formal. Read the email again and ask yourself if it sounds like you’re talking to a professional person when you meet them? If yes, then go ahead with it. 

Closing Lines

Write a friendly sign-off and mention your name and contact details. You can even provide the link to your blog or website in the closing line. Some of the commonly used closing lines are thanks, best, regards, sincerely, best wishes, etc. 

Another important factor to remember while writing an email is that you should avoid using cliches and repeating the same words. Committing any of the mistakes is a cardinal sin as it can make the reader tune out. And you wouldn’t want that, right? 

Some of the most commonly used cliches are- thank you in advance, sorry for the late reply, to whom it may concern, per our conversation, etc. Do not repeat the same words in the same line or paragraph. Try to find synonyms or alternatives. According to a report by Grammarly, some of the most commonly repeated words are only, account, like, issue, information, request, order, and report.  

In a nutshell, whether it is to draw attention, put across a message, or crack a deal, just strike the right tone and remember- your email matters! 

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Considerable Points 

Below written points are considerable for writing an email. You should emphasize these basic and most important points while composing an email. Have a look below to acknowledge! 

#1. Difference between British and American English. 

#2. Question tags and how they can be used in sentence structuring

#3. Getting your tenses right 

#4. Active passive and why it’s important 

#5. Putting adverbs at the right place 

#6. How to use comparatives and superlatives 

#7. Common phrases in English 

#8. Confusing Words in English (eg. accept and except, assure and ensure, etc.)

#9. Know all your Pronouns  

#10. Grammar rules your teacher lied to you about.

Also Read: Most Useful Vocabulary Words with Meaning: Let’s Grow English Knowledge and Be Magnificent!

Tips for Email 

So, here are the tips for formulating an email that you can use to send your thoughts or requests professionally. These tips will let you understand the whole process of email and will make better connections through it. If you do not follow these guidelines, you will be unable to make your mark. Therefore, keep your eyes on the tips and follow them excellently. 

Being Charismatic and Unique

The most important factor while composing an email is being charismatic. You should try to stand out. Write formally and in a good tone. The content should be up to mark and it should directly convey your perceptions or thoughts. 

While formulating an email, the biggest thing to keep in mind is that you should not be silly or over-dramatic. You are not driving a fictional story or element. You should be clear, graceful, organized, concrete, precise, and prudent. 

However, going a little bit into the zone will not hurt anyone. You can display your personality through your email. You need not get afraid of displaying what you are. But, don’t be over negative and dumb. If you will understand to be wise and effective, making your mark/ impression is easy. 

Meaningful and Substantial Subject Line 

Well, the subject line is the first thing that is seen by any professional. Whether you are having a conversation with someone casually or you are sending an email to any professional, colleague, or anyone that you are thinking to have and grow your connection with, you need to emphasize largely the subject line. If your subject line is relevant, attractive, and to the point, the reader will find it worthy. 

You must think about your intentions before writing a subject line for the email. Your email must be short, crisp, and sweet. Your subject line should be connected to the whole content in the email. It should reflect the summary of your thoughts of connecting to the recipient. 

The subject line shows to the recipient whether the email is important to keep or move to the trash. It is also useful to trace back an email whenever required. Therefore, focus hugely on the subject line before writing an email. 

Addressing the Email

This is a significant sphere to learn the basics of addressing an email. Addressing the email shows your intentions and way of composition. The words like “Hey” are considered casual language which can be used to send to a friend or colleague but if you are sending some email to the professionals, you should start by greeting. 

The professional inquiries and mails should not consist of a casual tone and words. You can go ahead with a simple “Hi”, “Hello”, greeting according to the time of the mail is most appropriate for the professional mail as “Dear” becomes a bit too formal. If your addressing section is good to read and impactful, it impresses the reader. 

Email Body 

The body of the email must be concise and concrete. You should not go too long or too brief, rather think about sharing your intentions and points in the most appropriate words and phrases. While writing an email, people think that it is good to show their talents, achievements, and to inquire too much but they don’t think about how busy the professionals are. 

Also, their emails are flooded with so many different emails and follow-ups after a long and fair career. If you want them to read your mail and revert back, you should keep your content precise and short. 

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Email Content

The content of your email should be easy to read by anyone. The spaces and paragraphs must be taken huge care of by the sender. You must put the most important part of your email at the beginning or if it is a bit long mail then try to put the important stuff at the beginning of each paragraph. 

This would enable them to recognize and recall the important points mentioned in your email. Remember, an email is not the place to show your English skills, so don’t make a heavy flower bed of tough English vocabulary, rather put forth the most appropriate words to convey your thoughts. 


Vocabulary plays a great impact on your mail, so you should not use slang in your content. Also, the professional mails should be compiled formally. You should also avoid using emojis and any kind of colour. It makes your mail a little down and unacceptable. You must go ahead with a particular typeface to complete your email. 

Significant Points 

The sender should bring out the best information and content if he/she gets an opportunity to connect with the professional. You should be unique and show thankfulness to them in your mail. You should remember that they are doing you the greatest favour by reading and replying after being too busy with their career fair. You should also be friendly and polite. 

Re-checking and Email

Well, this is the most magnificent part because rechecking will show you the wrong part of your mail. You can correct any type of grammatical errors, vocabulary, or can include the major point that you have missed. It is normal to make mistakes even in the shortest mail. So, rechecking your email is very important.


In the end, you must use your professional signature. You must write your name in your signature along with the closers like “Best Regards” or ” Thank You”. You can set an automatic signature that will appear at the end whenever you compose an email. You can also add any quotation that suits your personality. But, it should be meaningful and worthy. 

By using these tips and tricks, you can form your email quickly and excellently. So, work on them and connect to the professionals through your mail. 

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Therefore, you should understand the professional mail writing technique to be proficient, professional, and worthy while working in a company or organization. It has become an essential aspect of the lives of working people. Mail is considered to be the most professional way of conveying your thoughts, asking something, requesting leave, or anything. It is extremely important to know the best way of writing an email and let the other person understand your thoughts and wants. 

It is most common and beneficial in the organization because the colleagues can ask or say anything related to the work or activities in the area with professionalism and magnificence. If you want to learn more important things about English, you can visit the Fluent Life website. 

The experts and the articles written by them will be advantageous for you. Also, you can download and visit the Fluent Life application which has customized lectures for all of its candidates. Let’s understand and grab every English aspect from the best platform to be extremely flawless in front of professionals and other people. You can comment below in the panel after the article to get the answers.