Strong public speaking abilities will set you apart in both university and your job, making you feel more secure and allowing you to take on responsibilities.

One of the most powerful methods to get your message through, display your knowledge, and influence people is through this. It can also assist you in staying organized and improving your writing and interpersonal communication skills.

Many people who look entirely at ease in front of large crowds used to be terrified of it. You may offer yourself significant benefits in life by mastering this fear, practicing, and acquiring confidence.

What is the fear of public speaking? How to overcome this fear? Read on to learn about it.

What is The Fear of Public Speaking?

The fear of public speaking is called Glossophobia. It is a regular type of anxiety. It might range from mild anxiety to paralyzing fear and terror. Many persons who suffer from this phobia avoid those kinds of situations entirely, or they struggle through them with trembling hands and a trembling voice. You may, however, conquer your fear with preparation and perseverance.

Also Read: What is Communication? Why is it Important? Let’s Learn Communication Skills for Perfection!

Why is Public Speaking So Scary?

Why public speaking is scary to some people? Why do most people try to avoid public speaking? It is not so much about the quality of a speech as it is about how the person feels, thinks, and acts when confronted with the prospect of speaking in public. There are several reasons why individuals are reluctant to speak in public. Here are some factors responsible for the fear:


Fear and anxiety are caused by the stimulation of the autonomic nervous system in reaction to potentially dangerous stimuli. When faced with a threat, our bodies prepare for combat. This hyperarousal causes the subjective sense of dread and impairs our capacity to perform smoothly in front of people. It eventually prohibits people from seeking these opportunities.


People’s attitudes toward public speaking and of themselves as speakers are another factor to consider. Fear often arises when people inflate the stakes of communicating their ideas in front of others, viewing the speaking event as a potential threat to their credibility, image, and ability to reach an audience.

There is, according to certain theories, a distinction between a performance orientation and a communication orientation. You are performance-oriented if you consider it as requiring unique abilities and see the audience as judges deciding how good a presenter you are. Communication inclination, on the other hand, implies that your primary focus is on expressing your thoughts, presenting facts, or sharing your story.


While some people are naturally more apprehensive than others, and some people do not believe they are excellent at public speaking, there are some scenarios that are inclined to make most of us more uncomfortable when presenting in an audience setting.

Also Read: Who Needs Presentation Skills training? Effective Ways to Improve Your Presentation Skills

How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking?

To overcome your fear,  you must learn how to improve your public speaking skills. Follow these points to see a difference:

Relax Your Body

The fear might cause you to become uptight, which can have a detrimental impact on your body language. The most effective presenters maintain appropriate posture, create eye contact with the public, and behave in natural ways.

Good body language enhances your presentation and assists the audience in understanding and remembering what you say. Keep your hands out of your pockets and your arms crossed. Instead, begin with your arms at your sides and make your arguments with deliberate hand motions.

Take a look around the room. Don’t spend too much time looking down at the floor or at your notes. As your confidence grows, you may even begin to make eye contact with others watching your speech.

Practice Voice and Breath Control

When many individuals speak in public, their perception of time is altered, causing them to speak faster than they normally would. It will calm you down and allow the audience to better understand what you’re saying.

Breath control can help you with this. Experiment with using your gut to push air into and out of your chest. Before you start your presentation, take 10 slow, deep breaths.

Take a Public Speaking Class

Students who take training quickly increase their abilities to talk and deliver in front of an audience. They also acquire confidence when they learn from professionals and seek help from their peers. If you are afraid of it, you may connect with other students who are facing the same difficulty.

Consider taking an online program if you want to enhance your speech abilities when making virtual presentations. An in-person lesson may be a better alternative if you want to learn how to speak in front of a real audience. You could also be able to join student clubs that will allow you to hone your presentation abilities.

Visit The Fluent Life for public speaking courses!!!


You must communicate your views clearly while giving a public speech. Simultaneously, you must portray a picture of yourself that evokes empathy in your audience.

However, many of us are afraid of it. It might make it difficult to present your message and excite your audience. It isn’t just useful in business. This fear may have an impact on your personal life as well. It may lead to misunderstandings with friends or family, or it may restrict you from participating in activities.

You also have the choice to download the Fluent Life app on your mobile phone for customized personal lectures where you get instant feedback on your performance and can resolve all your queries.

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