It’s crucial to understand the distinction between natural and grammatical gender. Natural sex refers to an animal’s, person’s, or character’s biological sex. Grammatical gender is a classification system for nouns. However, this does not always correspond to the person’s or object’s “natural gender.” There is…
Amiksha Kantam
7 Min Read
The bar for determining a candidate’s English proficiency is extremely high. When a candidate considers taking the test, he should first assess his level of English language proficiency. A candidate should first consult with the authority to determine whether he should take the Academic Test…
Amiksha Kantam
10 Min Read
Mastering a new language is not easy because there are numerous challenges to overcome while learning and comprehending the language. These difficulties are exacerbated when the language in question is as important as English. One of the many challenges is remembering the vocabulary words with…
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