Let us go through one more topic for English conversation. The topic is talking about a past experience. So, It’s a Sunday morning. Juhi and Riya are best friends. They are spending a good time together in a nearby cafe. On a weekend we often tend to move out of our homes meet some friends and gossips.Also, share some happy moments and experiences. And, We share our past experiences. Probably, This happens often you do not have the right words to talk fluently about your experience. Also, You can refer some conversations at that time. So, Here is one example:

Fluent Life | Talking about Past experiences
Juhi: Hi, How are you?
(Here, Use An alternative: Hi, Wassup.)
Riya: Hi, I am all good. You tell me, Wassup.
(So, Do not say: Hi, all good. Tell me.)
(Also, An alternative: Hi, I am good.Wassup with you.)
Juhi: Nothing interesting. Work, that’s all.
(Here, An alternative: Nothing new.)
r : Oh! Alright.
J: How was your trip to Rajasthan?
R: It was a success. Everyone is so happy in the office.
(Also, This can be a better way.)
Furthermore, (An alternative: It was a successful trip. All my bosses are happy with my work.)
J: Great yeah! Congratulations.
(This is not a formal meet you can express freely to your best friends.)
(So,An alternative: Woah! Congratulations.)
Riya: OH, What is it exactly?
(Also,This is not the most appropriate sentence. The better way can be.)
(Here, An alternative: What was the meeting all about? or What was the purpose of the trip?)
J: So, I had to present the product to our new investors through a presentation.
(An alternative: I had to give a presentation to our new investors. It was a detailed analysis of our product.)
R: oh! Sounds interesting.
(An alternative: That sounds interesting.)
Juhi: There was a lot of time and energy invested in this project. I gave my 3 months for this project.
(Do not say: In this project my time and energy is invested. I took 3 months.)
(The above sentences aren’t appropriate. There better one can be.)
(An alternative: I have invested a lot of my time and energy in this project. Approximately 3 months.)
Riya: Also, 3 months? For one presentation?
J: Yes! I was so happy that it was a success or else all my energy would be wasted.
(Also, Do not say: I am successful or else it would be all a waste of time.)
(An alternative: It would be a waste of 3 months if this project wasn’t successful.)
R: Did you explore Rajasthan?
(Do not say: Did you roam in Rajasthan?)
Juhi: Yeah we did. We also had a success party thrown by boss where the new investors were invited.
(So, This sentence is not an appropriate one. The better one can be.)
(An alternative: Yes of course.We visited a few places nearby. Our boss also threw a success party with our new investors in Taj Lands.)
Riya: That’s amazing. Finally, your trip was a success.
J: Yes finally.
Here, Test your Comprehension.
[wp_quiz id=”6494″] Also, We would love to hear an English conversation about your past experience.
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