Let us know more about how Debating has taken over the world and how it is important for Fluent English Speaking.
Why debate?
The phrase “The world is a global village” is quite true because of the vast improvement in the communication network and the geographical borders having thinned down with businesses going global. Hence, this has made English Speaking one of the important aspects that are required to be competitive.
So, if someone wants to improve their English Speaking skills, along with the add-on benefit of gaining knowledge by learning various dimensions on a subject, debating is the right tool to embrace.
Debate = De + Bate
It would be creative to think that the word Debate could have come from two words “De” and “Bate” – Bate means angry in mood and De means negating – Debate should be something that negates an angry mood.
Also, one might wonder how a discussion that has the possibility of triggering anger could actually bring it down.
Hence, To answer that plain, debating is not about being argumentative as it is deemed to be understood. But a forum to discuss in a formal manner what one’s view is, on a subject. And, this free expression of views limiting to a laid set of rules is an enjoyable activity even if it involves engaging in a verbal challenge. So, thereby negating any emotions.
Benefits of debating
The expression that practice makes a person perfect is absolutely true when it comes to developing any art.
The art of practicing and communicating with someone in a debate and implementing changes through observation helps improve English Speaking fluency:

  • Components of speech improved through practice of debating:
      • Vocabulary: Debates help learn more on a subject, improves listening skills and communication skills. Listening and communication skills, in turn, develop the vocabulary.
      • Framing – Usage of words and structuring of statements (articulacy) wins over any audience you encounter.
      • Intonation/rhythm of speech – This improves with the observation of self and the person who competes.
      • Accent – One has to make constant efforts to work on developing an accent which is neutral so that he/she is well understood.
  • Extempore & Presentation

The current competitive lifestyle has become such that irrespective of age, we are under the pressure of making an extemporaneous speech in English. See (Ex., Group discussion in an interview, presentation to an onshore visitor or investor at the workplace, etc.).
In addition, it is to be noted that the fear associated with English Speaking in public could be well taken care of. Especially,  once a person participates in a debate with an open mind.
Debate – Then & Now
From our very own sage, Adisankara making refinements to the religious structure by conducting debates to convince people who were adamant about changes, to the current popular TV shows that debate on up-to-date happenings with the audience as speakers. So,  it is not just the content and the style that matters but the linguistic skills that play an important role in making our point clear. So, let alone winning a situation.
Don’t debate over debate!!
So, Debating is such a simple tool that to experience it you just have to start it at home. Exactly,  like how charity begins!! Don’t debate over debate being the best and inexpensive tool for English Speaking.Just adopt and see the benefits for yourself. It could be the most empowering thing that someone could ask for.

Article Written and compiled by- Ms. Vidya Sudharshan. 

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