Have you ever owned a kindle?
How many of you like reading books? I’m sure all of us have read books, whether we’re casual readers or avid enthusiasts. Have you ever owned or used a kindle? It’s a very unique experience, with a user interface designed for readers to make the most of their reading journey. In recent years, the kindle has been designed and geared towards a variety of uses that expand beyond the scope of your traditional reading device.
It has now moved away from being a solely book-related device, to a loosely predominantly reading device. Now, one can do a host of things on a kindle, ranging from reading books to updating oneself on the latest news, playing games to listening to music etc. Owning a kindle can be great fun! If you own a kindle, we’re sure you would have wanted to talk about it to lots of people.
Sometimes though, we all face problems when trying to accurately convey exactly what we’re trying to say. Read on to learn exactly what to say, to make your conversational partner understand exactly what it is that makes your kindle, so interesting. Happy learning!
So, let’s start by taking a basic situation that all of us can relate to, and work from there.
(Note – this article is with reference to a kindle, but the same template can be used to describe any device)
*Your grandmother has just bought you the latest Kindle Fire HD, and you are excitedly telling your friend about it*
Read on to find the overall flow, specific vocabulary, phrases, and expressions that can be used for an effective and fluent conversation on this topic. Right below is your guide to having an engaging conversation!
A conversation has specific phases that it goes through. Here is a quick look at what we will be following.

Content : What is it that you are going to talk about?
Use the wh questions along with the keywords to help you put together the content.
1. Where did you get the Kindle from? –Online, From the store, secondhand, gift etc.
2. How did you come across the Kindle? – TV advertisement, Celebrity endorsement, Newspaper etc.
3. What do you like about the Kindle? –User-friendly interface, Special features, Book catalogue etc.
4. What is special about the Kindle? – Library system, reduced prices of books, easy mobility, lightweight etc.
5. What do you use the Kindle for? – Reading, Listening to music, Playing games etc.
Choosing Contextual Vocabulary
Choosing contextual vocabulary to suit the scenario you’re talking about can be very important when it comes to giving depth and clarity to what you’re trying to say, as well as piquing your partner’s attention. In this case, you’re talking about your new kindle.
Listed below are a few words and phrases that could come in handy while elaborating on the kindle.
- Features
- Concepts
- Books
- Reading
- Variety
- Library
- Perks
- Interface
- Utility
- Cheap
- Book-exchange
- Deals
- Discounts
- Pre-order
- Online bookshelf
Similarly. given below are a few descriptive words and phrases that you could use to make your conversation more interesting!
- Exciting features
- Novel concepts
- Diverse books
- Easier reading
- Variety of applications
- Online library
- Useful perks
- User-friendly interface
- Increased utility
- Cheaper prices
- Book-exchange ideas
- Best deals
- Bargain discounts
- Pre-ordering feature
- Effective online bookshelf
Organizing the Content : Putting it all together to create a comprehensive picture
Now that we know what to talk about and the words to use, let us put them in a logical order.
Initiate the conversation by bringing up your kindle, this could be done in many ways. One such way is given below.
My grandmother bought me a new kindle recently, I’m so excited, I can’t wait to use it!
‘Express your excitement over the kindle – this could be why you brought him/her up in the first place.
It’s the latest version, the Kindle Fire HD, it’s got so many new nifty features.
Talk about why you like your kindle – here are 5 examples of things you could say
- The Kindle allows me to carry around a lot of books, all in one device, which is much easier than carrying them separately.
- The Kindle store offers so many new deals on books, if you books online, you can save a lot.
- I love my Kindle because it’s like a mini-bookshelf that I carry around with me all the time.
- My kindle is so cool because I can do all sorts of things on it, like reading, listening to music etc.
- I’m sentimentally attached to this Kindle, because my grandma bought it for me, and she passed away.
Tell your conversational partner why they should buy a Kindle
- I know how you love reading books, you should definitely buy the kindle.
- The new kindle has so many features that you would love, you should definitely upgrade from your old kindle.
- The Kindle is so easy for travel, it’s convenient because you can carry all the books you want in one small device!
- The Kindle has an interface that doesn’t affect the eyes, so you don’t need to worry about spoiling your eyes if you read for too long!
- There’s this new library feature on the Kindle that you would love, it allows you to borrow books from the Kindle library for free!
A model answer would be as follows
My grandmother bought me a new kindle recently, I’m so excited, I can’t wait to use it! It’s the latest version, the Kindle Fire HD, it’s got so many new nifty features. The Kindle store offers so many new deals on books, if you books online, you can save a lot. I love my Kindle because it’s like a mini-bookshelf that I carry around with me all the time. My kindle is so cool because I can do all sorts of things on it, like reading, listening to music etc. I know how you love reading books, you should definitely buy the kindle.