Have you ever visited a paediatrician?
We’re sure we’ve all visited the hospital numerous times for various purposes, especially if you have a kid. If you have a kid, we’re 100% sure that you’re no stranger to the paediatrics department! A child’s health can be of paramount importance to a parent, especially in today’s day and age, with the rise of easily communicable and newer types of diseases. As a parent, you would have plenty of experience with choosing the right medical professional for your child. We’re also sure you’d like to help out other struggling parents with making the right choice over such an important decision.
Sometimes though, we all face problems when trying to accurately convey exactly what we’re trying to say.
Read on to learn exactly what to say, to make your conversational partner understand the importance of choosing the right paediatrician. Happy learning!
So, let’s start by taking a basic situation that all of us can relate to, and work from there.
*Your friend’s daughter is sick, you want to direct her to your usual paediatrician whom you visit for your son*
Read on to find the overall flow, specific vocabulary, phrases, and expressions that can be used for an effective and fluent conversation on this topic. Right below is your guide to having an engaging conversation!
A conversation has specific phases that it goes through. Here is a quick look at we will teach you, to guarantee you a smooth conversation.

Content : What is it that you are going to talk about?
Use the ‘wh’ questions along with the keywords to help you put together the content.
- Who is the paediatrician? – Any name – Dr. Kamala, Dr. Dheepak etc.
- Which hospital are they affiliated with? – Apollo Hospitals, CMC Hospital etc.
- Why do you recommend them? – Child friendly attitude, Skill etc.
- How have you come to the above conclusion? – Personal experience, Secondhand accounts etc.
- How can you secure an appointment? – Office hour visit, Secretary calling etc.
Choosing Contextual Vocabulary
Choosing contextual vocabulary to suit the scenario you’re talking about can be very important when it comes to giving depth and clarity to what you’re trying to say, as well as piquing your partner’s attention. In this case, you’re talking about a paediatrician.
Listed below are a few words and phrases that could come in handy while elaborating on the topic.
- Parenting
- Doctors
- Health
- Medicine
- Injections
- Amenities
- Infants
- Vaccination
- Adolescents
- Child-friendly
- Prescriptions
- Helpful
- Sickness/Illness
- Cure
- Advice
Similarly. given below are a few descriptive words and phrases that you could use to make your conversation more interesting!
- Proper parenting
- Skillful doctors
- Reliable healthcare
- Medical prescriptions
- Administering injections
- Amenity provision
- Sick children
- Child-friendly environment
- Effective cures
- Informed advice
- Helpful attitudes
- Accommodating procedures
- Efficient research
- Accurate diagnosis
- Professional qualifications
Initiate the conversation by enquiring about your friend’s child
Hey, I heard your daughter was sick. I’m really sorry to hear that.
Introduce your paediatrician to your friend
If you were looking for a good paediatrician, I recommend Ms. X. I visit her whenever my son is sick.
Give reasons for why your friend should visit that paediatrician
- I’ve heard a lot of good things about Ms. X, she is truly great at what she does.
- Ms. X is so well-versed with medicine, she always manages to cure my son within a few days!
- My paediatrician, Ms. X, is such a charming and child-friendly doctor. My son loves her! She can get him to take injections, unpleasant medicines, anything, which I can never get him to do.
- Ms. X won the Best Doctor Award recently, awarded by the Medical Council of India, she’s one of the most skilled professionals I’ve ever met.
- Ms. X has undergone a lot of specialised training in the field of child psychology, I think she’d be really helpful for your daughter.
End by asking if your friend would like your pediatrician’s contact details
Would you like Ms. X’s contact details? I have her number and office address in case you want it.
A model answer would be as follows
Hey, I heard your daughter was sick. I’m really sorry to hear that. If you were looking for a good paediatrician, I recommend Ms. X. I visit her whenever my son is sick. My paediatrician, Ms. X, is such a charming and child-friendly doctor. My son loves her! She can get him to take injections, unpleasant medicines, anything, which I can never get him to do. I’ve heard a lot of good things about her, she is truly great at what she does. Ms. X has undergone a lot of specialised training in the field of child psychology, I think she’d be really helpful for your daughter.