Speaking is not just a play of words but rather, a clever combination of the right attitude, an understanding of what to speak when and a whole lot of confidence; when everything is balanced, Speaking becomes no less than an art.
However, achieving that perfect speech is not a piece of cake. When you want to convey your message smartly, there are plenty of things at play: how relevant your message is, what kind of message it is, how you deliver it and of course, last but not the least, your confidence.

Why Smart Delivery is Important?
When you speak or deliver a message, remember that your body language plays an important role. A half-willed or a hurried message is less likely to make a mark. It will also make you look not sincere enough and end up in making the message lose its weight.
A smart delivery is important because it not only makes you look efficient but also provides your message with the necessary importance. It would also make people consider your message with seriousness. Smart delivery of message/ speech is appreciated everywhere. The people you talk to won’t have the entire day to listen to you. Therefore you can’t be repetitive. Repetition kills smartness in speech. We are here with some little tricks that will help you convey your message in a smart, crisp way.
5 Tricks To Deliver Your Message Smartly:
To sound smart, you must have the right information and you must deliver them in a way that is not too slow or too hurried. Here are 5 tricks for you to achieve that perfect delivery:
The key to doing anything well is doing it often and speech is no exception. When you’re nervous about a difficult conversation, such as making the case to your boss for a raise, or a scheduled talk in front of an audience, practice what you’ll say beforehand. Recording yourself is also a good way to figure out if you’re using the best pacing and pauses. It also allows you to evaluate your voice for clarity and volume.
People ask questions when they’re missing information or want approval for an idea or decision. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with either of those situations, both can make you sound vulnerable. To project your ideas with confidence, don’t let your voice creep upward at the end of a sentence. Maintain an even tone of voice and finish your statements with periods, not question marks.
If you speak too slowly you run the risk of putting your audience to sleep. And if you talk too quickly you can sound amateurish or nervous, like you’re trying to get it over with as fast as you can. That’s why 190 words per minute is the sweet spot you should aim for.
Smiling not only makes your voice more pleasant to listen to, it also conveys confidence. You will appear friendly, approachable, and composed. That’s more than enough reason to grin the next time you give an important talk.
Do you ever begin your sentences with:
- “This is just my opinion,”
- “Sorry,”
- “I’m still working on this,”
- “Well,”
- “I mean,”
or any number of other negative or useless prefaces. Most people do as a matter of habit or nervousness, but caveats and fillers can damage the confident tone you’re trying to strike. Instead, say what you mean and nothing else. For example, “We should take this pitch in a different direction,” is much more persuasive than, “Well, I think we should take this pitch in a different direction, but I’m still trying to find out the best route to take.”
The link between gratitude and confidence is vital. When a leader shows gratitude, it helps create a positive atmosphere. The display of gratitude conveys the message that all is well and moving in a forward direction. Thus, thanking co-workers and direct-reports for their contributions and achievements is another way to say the company is thriving and on track to do even better in the future. Start the conversation with a little gratitude, even a “Thanks for coming,” and you’ll convey confidence from the start.
In a Nutshell
Smart speaking is all about using the right words in the right context. Using words that are not related to the topic will not make your message sound smart. You must understand the nuances of speaking to make yourself heard. Always try to practice before you deliver a message or a speech. There is absolutely no alternative to listening to yourself and evaluating yourself. Keep your body language right and once you get a hang of what to say when, then you can expect to have a smooth run.