Ironical phrases are said and heard by everyone but do you know what an ironic figure of speech is? Well, these are the sentences that have a fair bit of contradiction between what is said and what it means. These words are used both professionally and personally to create fun, creativity, or different expressions.

Let’s learn about its types along with the examples so that next time you can use them before others or before those who use them to you. It should be grabbed by you perfectly to be magnificent. So, move ahead to the body of the article to find everything about the irony figure of speech.

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What is an Ironic Figure of Speech?

If you want to know about the meaning of Irony, here it is. It is a figure of speech. The irony is one of the most widely- known literary devices, which is used to express a strong emotion or raise a point.

Talking about it more, irony refers to the use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of what is said. It is used in the sentence to convey something else with some other words. It shows the game and magic of words.

You must reply to a person after understanding what he/she is trying to convey. If you don’t know about irony, it’s likely that you don’t understand the sentence and will not give a perfect response.

So, learn this figure of speech to be wonderful and greater understanding.

Irony Meaning

The irony is a contradiction between words and expressions. It confuses the other person about what you said and what you meant. The irony figure of speech is characterized by contrast and incongruity between reality and appearance. You will think about the words and their actual meaning. Have a look at this example.

For example, if a traffic officer has confiscated a man’s license. Then the man can say, “Thank you, Officer, now that you have my license I can’t drive”.

In the above sentence, the man was heavily angry and irritated by the act of the traffic officer because he had confiscated the man’s license but instead of expressing his anger fairly, he used irony to thank him for the same.

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Types of Irony

Three types of irony figures of speech are known. This article will give you the meaning of these irony types along with the examples. So, let’s start.

#1. Verbal Irony

The verbal irony is a contrast between what is said and what is meant. It shows the contradiction between words and expressions.

For example:

#. After looking at a student’s poor test score, the teacher says, “You will surely finish the year with the highest honours”.

#. A man tastes his wife’s delicious home-cooked meal and exclaims, “I shall never eat this food ever again”.

#. After they kissed, the groom, with a smile on his face, muttered to his bride, “This is the day I will always want to forget”.

#2. Situational Irony

Situational irony occurs when the audience or the reader knows more than the character about every event. Talking differently, it refers to what the character thinks is true is incongruous with what the audience knows. Let’s get it perfectly with the help of examples.

Have a look at the irony examples:

#. Dr. Johnson smokes a pack of cigarettes a day.

#. Our boss, the owner of a big construction firm, cannot fix his house’s broken ceiling.

#. The defence lawyer failed to acquit his son in a case.

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#3. Dramatic Irony

Dramatic irony is the contrast between the actual result of a situation and what was intended or expected to happen. It shows the difference or contradiction between expectations and the outcome.

Here are some irony examples:

#. In “Saving Private Ryan”, the group of soldiers was hopeless they could find Private James Ryan alive, but the audience knew from the start that Private Ryan went on to live until his later years.

#. The wife believed that her husband died in an airplane crash, but the audience was aware that the husband had survived.

#. Readers knew that Caitlyn’s character in the novel “A Song for Caitlin” would eventually die but the other characters never even knew she was sick.

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Hopefully, this article has provided you with the best learning to develop your English grammar. The irony is most commonly used by English speakers to be diplomatic and professional.

If you want to know more grammar tips, content, and strategies, you should visit the Fluent Life website. The professionals will teach and guide you to be excellent at writing, reading, and speaking English and be quintessentially amazing.

The application is also available by the same name that will help you to gain every possible potential knowledge about the language and its grammar. You must learn about everything to be fluent and worthy.