Did you know that general English and professional English have been distinguished apart? Aside from the fact that general English is commonly used for day to day conversations, Professional English is learned and used for specific purposes. The difference also between the two kinds of English as forms of communication is the purpose of why people are learning the language.

Features of Professional English and General English

English is widely used worldwide as a language for communication, and has become the lingua franca in businesses for many years already. When it comes to differentiating general Eng to professional Eng is their specificity.

People who learn general Eng usually stay on the same level as the others while those who learn professional Eng advance further to acquire relevant skills and techniques. It uses plenty of terminologies; people who desire to learn this specific communication skill must expect the use of certain terminologies that sets it apart from general English.

Continuation on Features

Professional Eng is more extensive and specific. It is mainly used as a language tool for staff, as it is applied in a more formal context. Learning it can be empowering for individuals who aim for their professional growth, it also helps in enriching one’s personal development which may lead to opening doors for new opportunities.

On the other hand, General Eng focuses more on the day to day conversation and involves the use of basic vocabulary and grammar. It leans more on a casual tone. While both are kinds of language as forms of communication, the approach and objectives of these two widely vary from each other. 

The approach for the general Eng leans more on the basic, conversational and day-to-day use of words, while Professional Eng is a systematic and complex mode of speaking the said language. It follows a more disciplined approach in order to deliver a professional way of speaking and conversation

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Differences Between Professional English and General English

While both are means of communication that use the English language, their approaches and goals are vastly different. The general Eng method focuses on the fundamental, conversational, everyday use of words, whereas Professional Eng is a methodical and complicated mode of speaking the language. Following are the areas where Professional English varies with General Eng:

Professional English has Direction

Professional Eng is more task-oriented, has a sense of purpose, direction and need while a General Eng learner may not know what or when to use a sentence in a conversation or a given circumstance.

Specific Terms

A professional English user inculcates a habit to use specific terms related to the market or industry he is representing, like accounting, advertising, human resource, social media, marketing, business plans, etc. While a general English user may or may not have specific terms related to his everyday situation.

Difference in Motivation

A general English learner has less motivation than a professional English learner in terms of preparation. The former uses words in day to day context or everyday situations and can be considered an informal usage of words, while the latter prepares for the specific terms to be used in conversation with his boss or while giving a presentation.

Formal and Informal

Another simple difference between professional Eng and general Eng is that the former is a mostly formal language while the latter is mostly informal language.

Differences are shown through a change in words

When you are requesting something….

GE: Please make sure you arrive on time.                               PE: Please ensure that your arrival is on time.

GE: Please give him your travel plans.                                   PE: Please provide him with your itinerary

Get & Receive

GE: When will I get the package?                                         PE: When will I receive the email?

GE: Will I get the reports back?                                            PE: would I receive the reports?

Talk & Discuss

GE: Let’s talk about it now.                                                   PE: Let’s discuss it now.

Need& Require

GE: I need some help.                                                            PE: I require some assistance.

Tell & Explain

GE: Please tell me why you are late.                                           PE: Please explain why you are late.

Talk more & Elaborate

GE: Let’s talk more about this topic.                                      PE: Let’s elaborate on this topic.

Type of Attention

General Eng demands a different type of attention while Professional Eng demands another.

Terms of vocabulary used in professional Eng are mostly formal and its usage is mostly to increase its effectiveness and enhance the quality of formal dealings. Professional Eng also has its own set of abbreviations like FYI (for your information), PR (public relations), AGM (Annual general meeting), etc.

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Importance of Intercultural competence in Professional English

Companies can now collaborate or negotiate with suppliers, clients, or similar Businesses in other countries as a result of globalisation. The establishment of trust ties is critical to the development of these interactions. It is critical to understand the customs and social etiquette of these nations in order to achieve them.

Organizations, on the other hand, are increasingly forming intercultural work teams as they expand outside the borders of the nations where they were founded. Directing these teams with an understanding of the labelling on which the individuals of the workgroup have been taught is really beneficial.

Furthermore, a basic understanding of body language is vital in the development of a high-level professional and is also taken into consideration when learning Professional Eng.

Conventional knowledge is not required for studying general English. It is once again up to each individual to make their own decision.

Various Extra-complete Approaches

When it comes to learning a language, the informal activities you may do are really beneficial. We normally advise our general English students to view movies in their native language or make an effort to learn the lyrics to songs by their favourite bands. Even for those who are just getting started, we advise that you watch movies geared at children. Another suggestion is to go speak English with native pupils.

Professional English has its own set of extra-finished standards. We recommend that you study English books geared at executives and keep up with the world’s specialist media. Taking part in English-language business events allows you to relax and acquire confidence.

More Differences Between General English and Professional English

English, which is extensively used as a communication language around the world, has long been the main language in businesses. When it comes to dealing with individuals in many sectors, learning a second language leads to increased communication skills, which leads to improved trust and understanding.

Professional English is studied and utilised for specific goals, as opposed to general English, which is typically used for day-to-day communications.

The reason why individuals learn the language is also a distinction between the two types of English as modes of communication. Professional English is regarded as the advanced version of the language, with a concentration on delving deep into its lexicon to develop content and issue analysis.

Level of Focus

When it comes to distinguishing between general and professional English, one of the most important distinctions is their uniqueness. Individuals who learn general English tend to stay at the same level as their peers, whereas those who learn Professional English go on to learn more specific skills and procedures. People who study it frequently put their new skills and knowledge to the test at various levels.

Various Terminologies

People who want to study Professional Eng, as it is known, can anticipate encountering various terminologies that distinguish it from common English. Such terms are, of course, relevant to the profession and industry in which he or she must concentrate. 

People learning common English, on the other hand, may not feel the need to acquire specialised terms because they are only obliged to utilise words that are completely conversational and fundamental.

Difference in Purposes

The aims of General Eng and Professional Eng are distinct. The usage of fundamental vocabulary and grammar is more prevalent in general Eng, which focuses on day-to-day speech. It has a more relaxed tone to it. 

Professional Eng, however, is more comprehensive and specific. Because it is utilised in a more formal setting, it is primarily employed as a language tool for professionals. Mastering it can be motivating for people who want to advance in their careers. It can also enhance one’s personal growth, which can result in new chances.

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Tips to Improve Your Professional English

Watch Business Reports and Programmes

Clearly, you can improve your language skills by watching any English movies or shows. If you enjoy comedies, they might be a fantastic way to practise listening and improve your vocabulary and idioms.

In formal contexts, however, knowing the appropriate language style is also critical. Professional language is typically more official, although certain idioms are more commonly used in social and informal settings. We must, as with most languages, match the appropriate style of language to the circumstance.

Read Papers and Publications Related to Your Field

We ought to keep up with the new notions and ideas in any career. Most industries include articles and periodicals that provide information about market trends, developments, and competition.

Use Social Networking Sites

Are you already a member of a social networking site like LinkedIn or Xing? These platforms allow you to create a business internet profile. You have the option of providing a wide range of information, such as specifics regarding your work qualifications and experience. It is feasible to make relationships in your sector, both domestically and internationally.

Use Self-study Resources 

There is a large range of study resources available for learning this language. Many are geared for self-study students who want to improve their abilities for jobs. These resources can be studied on their own or in conjunction with a language study.

Enroll in Courses

If you have the time, a good course can be a great approach to improve your communication abilities. Over self-study, high-quality courses with experienced English teachers might provide a lot of advantages. Setting individualised goals with a teacher, having the opportunity to learn with a native speaker, and receiving regular correction and evaluation are just a few examples.

Attending a local language course at a time that is convenient for you is one alternative. Consider taking an evening course near your home or place of work once or twice a week. This gives you the opportunity to improve your English skills in your spare time without interfering with your work.

Check out The Fluent Life for high-quality English learning courses.


Using appropriate English in the professional realm is a skill that is greatly appreciated. You can be a very fluent speaker but unless you are aware of the differences between general English and the English you need to use in the professional field, you have a long way to go. Therefore, in order to succeed in your professional field, you must have a good grasp of professional English.

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